Monday, February 13, 2012

Exiled: The Story of John Lathrop (4th edition)

  • This 4th edition is about 30 pages longer than previous editions.
  • Adds the names of recently discovered direct descendants.
  • More than 30 other prominent descendants not identified in previous editions.
  • In addition to the attraction of the appendices and the compilation of history and genealogical information, it's the powerful storyline that has won Exiled serious attention and state and national awards.

Exiled: Worlds divided them. Chance brought them together. Only love will save them.

((((This novel is a Whitney Award nominee.))))

Praise for EXILED:
"Michael and Venus have probably been the best pairing/couple that I've read about this year! GO READ THIS BOOK! You will love it. Seriously."
Nancy, reviewer Tumbling Books

"Writing that moves readers ! to ponder their hearts is good writing, and that's what readers will find with Workman. Her protagonist is strong willed, her antagonist is easy to hate, and her mentor is easy to love."
Kathleen Brebes

"What a ride!"
Taffy Lovell

Overview of EXILED:
An alien princess exiled to Earth.
An arrogant boy.
One week to get back to her planet or she'll die.
Her only chance for survival? She must help the boy find his soul mate.
Piece of cake!

More praise for EXILED:
"I... felt like I was literally out of this world for a while."
Melissa Lemon, author of Cinder and Ella

"I love a book where the de! tails fi t together like pieces in a puzzle..."
Rachel Morgan

"It's superb!!! I loved the multiple points of view. I loved Venus. Michael was tough to like at first, but by the end - man, oh man, did I fall hard for him. Zaren is yummy! I want a guardian like him. Heck, I want a man like him! AND THOSE BOOTS. PLEASE, PRETTY PLEASE CAN I HAVE A PAIR?"

Jenna Heartsong

Other novels by RaShelle Workman:
    SLEEPING ROSES: a bestselling romantic thriller.
    IN HIS EYES: an anthology which includes ALIGNED: An Immortal Essence Short Story. Available Feb 14th.
    Top 100 Kindle eBook! in >Love and Romance     
    Exiled: Worlds divided them. Chance! brought them together. Only love will save them.
    Praise for EXILED: 
    "Michael and Venus have probably been the best pairing/couple that I've read about this year! GO READ THIS BOOK! You will love it. Seriously."
    Nancy, reviewer Tumbling Books  

    "Writing that moves readers to ponder their hearts is good writing, and that's what readers will find with Workman. Her protagonist is strong willed, her antagonist is easy to hate, and her mentor is easy to love."
    Kathleen Brebes   

    "I loved this book and I hate scifi! Great read, waiting not patiently for book 2." Ann-Goodreads

    Overview of EXILED:
     An alien princess exiled to Earth.
    An arrogant boy.
    One week to get back to her planet or she'll die.
    Her only chance for survival? She must help the boy fin! d his so ul mate.
    Piece of cake! 

    More praise for EXILED: 
     "I... felt like I was literally out of this world for a while."
    Melissa Lemon, author of Cinder and Ella

    "Amidst all the vampire, werewolf and fallen angel novels out there, EXILED is a
    refreshing and unique read." Rachel Morgan

    "It's superb!!! I loved the multiple points of view. I loved Venus. Michael was tough to like at first, but by the end - man, oh man, did I fall hard for him. Zaren is yummy! I want a guardian like him. Heck, I want a man like him! AND THOSE BOOTS. PLEASE, PRETTY PLEASE CAN I HAVE A PAIR?"
    Jenna Heartsong

    Other novels by RaShelle Workman:
    SLEEPING ROSES: a bestselling romantic thriller.
    IN HIS EYES:  an anthology which includes ALIGNED: An Immortal Essence Short Story. Available Feb 14th.

    Top 100 Kindle eBook! in >Love and Romance     
    Exiled: Worlds divided them. Chance brought them together. Only love will save them.
    Praise for EXILED: 
    "Michael and Venus have probably been the best pairing/couple that I've read about this year! GO READ THIS BOOK! You will love it. Seriously."
    Nancy, reviewer Tumbling Books  

    "Writing that moves readers to ponder their hearts is good writing! , and that's what readers will find with Workman. Her protagon! ist is s trong willed, her antagonist is easy to hate, and her mentor is easy to love."
    Kathleen Brebes   

    "I loved this book and I hate scifi! Great read, waiting not patiently for book 2." Ann-Goodreads

    Overview of EXILED:
     An alien princess exiled to Earth.
    An arrogant boy.
    One week to get back to her planet or she'll die.
    Her only chance for survival? She must help the boy find his soul mate.
    Piece of cake! 

    More praise for EXILED: 
     "I... felt like I was literally out of this world for a while."
    Melissa Lemon, author of Cinder and Ella

    "Amidst all the vampire, ! werewolf and fallen angel novels out there, EXILED is a
    refreshing and unique read." Rachel Morgan

    "It's superb!!! I loved the multiple points of view. I loved Venus. Michael was tough to like at first, but by the end - man, oh man, did I fall hard for him. Zaren is yummy! I want a guardian like him. Heck, I want a man like him! AND THOSE BOOTS. PLEASE, PRETTY PLEASE CAN I HAVE A PAIR?"
    Jenna Heartsong

    Other novels by RaShelle Workman:
    SLEEPING ROSES: a bestselling romantic thriller.
    IN HIS EYES:  an anthology which includes ALIGNED: An Immortal Essence Short Story. Available Feb 14th.

Chase Williams is a demon ! hunter i n the Circle, or at least he was supposed to be. On his fifteenth birthday, Chase stepped up to the altar to claim his elemental power, but it never came. Elemental magic is passed down to a hunter through the bloodline, but on Chase's birthday, the bloodline stopped. Exiled without the Circle's protection, Chase has spent two years trying to survive a world riddled with half-demons and magic. When he has a run in with a frightened and seemingly innocent demon, he learns the Circle's agenda has changed: the Circle plans to unlock a portal and unleash pure-blood demons into the world. Vowing to stop them, and knowing he can't do it alone, Chase forms a reluctant alliance with Rayna - a sexy witch with an attitude and a secret. In their attempt to stop them, Chase and Rayna find themselves in the middle of the Circle's plan, leaving one of them to decide what their friendship is worth, and the other's life depending on it.Chase Williams is a demon hunter in the Circle, or! at least he was supposed to be. On his fifteenth birthday, Chase stepped up to the altar to claim his elemental power, but it never came. Elemental magic is passed down to a hunter through the bloodline, but on Chase's birthday, the bloodline stopped.

Exiled without the Circle's protection, Chase has spent two years trying to survive a world riddled with half-demons and magic. When he has a run in with a frightened, and seemingly innocent demon, he learns the Circle's agenda has changed: the Circle plans to unlock a portal and unleash pure-blood demons into the world. Vowing to stop them, and knowing he can't do it alone, Chase forms a reluctant alliance with Rayna - a sexy witch with an attitude and a secret. In their attempt to stop them, Chase and Rayna find themselves in the middle of the Circle's plan, leaving one of them to decide what their friendship is worth, and the other's life depending on it.
Chase Williams is a demon hunter in the Circle, or! at least he was supposed to be. On his fifteenth birthday, Ch! ase step ped up to the altar to claim his elemental power, but it never came. Elemental magic is passed down to a hunter through the bloodline, but on Chase's birthday, the bloodline stopped.

Exiled without the Circle's protection, Chase has spent two years trying to survive a world riddled with half-demons and magic. When he has a run in with a frightened, and seemingly innocent demon, he learns the Circle's agenda has changed: the Circle plans to unlock a portal and unleash pure-blood demons into the world. Vowing to stop them, and knowing he can't do it alone, Chase forms a reluctant alliance with Rayna - a sexy witch with an attitude and a secret. In their attempt to stop them, Chase and Rayna find themselves in the middle of the Circle's plan, leaving one of them to decide what their friendship is worth, and the other's life depending on it.
It was a hell of a way to end a vacation! One minute Danica was scuba diving, the next she found herself in a specimen tank on ! an outbound alien ship. When they correct their 'error' by dumping her on the alien world of Glaxo, she is immediately captured by Taj, Chieftain of the Glaxons, who swoops from the sky on his giant war bird and claims her as his slave. Barbaric they may be, but the blue eyed, blond haired Indian-like tribe of Glaxons are a fair race, and Taj fairest of all. When he's good, he'sIt was a hell of a way to end a vacation! One minute Danica was scuba diving, the next she found herself in a specimen tank on an outbound alien ship. When they correct their 'error' by dumping her on the alien world of Glaxo, she is immediately captured by Taj, Chieftain of the Glaxons, who swoops from the sky on his giant war bird and claims her as his slave. Barbaric they may be, but the blue eyed, blond haired Indian-like tribe of Glaxons are a fair race, and Taj fairest of all. When he's good, he'sExiled immerses the reader in the dark days of 17th century England, and time when a man could be d! rawn and quartered for nothing more than standing on a corner ! preachin g his views. There is no freedom of speech, of assembly, of the press, or of religion. Non-conforming ministers are hunted down, brought to trial, made to suffer public humiliation, sometimes torture, and oft' times imprisonment.

Reverend John Lathrop's story gives the reader an inside look at what those who believed in freedom of conscience faced and not just them, but their families too. Haunted by realities of cruel laws, unspeakable consequences, and acute moral dilemmas, how does one reconcile duty to family and duty to God when one is at the expense of the other? When tyranny creeps and is emboldened and threatens conscience, what does a Christian disciple do?